Monday, July 16, 2007

Sir Pee-lar Mc'Squiggles

I and my fellow chaps went on holiday from work around noon a fortnight ago. We took out our cucumber sandwiches and brie and settled down to a sturdy table on the charming shoppes grounds. Little did we know that a special visitor would join us for a nibble. Yes, Sir Pee-lar Mc'Squiggles dropped in on us, quite literally from a tree above our spread. He found a home on young Michael's sleeve and eventually made his way to our table, squiggling this way and a'non. I felt sad leaving him, surely relinquishing him to a fate of becoming living "bird food" or falling prey to some other sort of misery. But lo and behold... he returned the next day. We shan't be breaking bread outdoors in quite some time, due to the heat of summer, but maybe... just maybe... when we do, Sir Pee-lar will be there to join us once again. Tally Ho'. One more shot of our friend after the JUMP.


Unknown said...

i wish i had cucumber sandwiches and brie .. . yummmmm also good job on the name! ha

Anonymous said...

that thing rules.!